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Aduna: Exhibition Idea

My final idea for the Aduna campaign has now changed to creating an exhibition piece that visitors can interact with and find out information about the Baobab product. The model I will be making will be a replica of the Baobab tree, which I will hang facts and Baobab fruit off of to give visitors a feeling of interaction, but also the feeling of leaving with knowing something knew about the fruit and its health benefits.



There are two images of the tree so far. I used thick aluminium wire for the base of the tree, using 4 different cuts wrapped around each other and then branching them off near the top for the larger limbs of the tree. Next I wrapped thin gardening wire around the larger branches ro create more variety with the twigs. My next step will be to coat the wire in thin layers of tin foil to thicken them and make them more sturdy.

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