This week we focused on starting the keyframes for the pre vis workshop two project. After setting out some basic background layouts for the scenes, I began keyframing in sync with the audio. Here is the first playblast of scene 1 in my animation. I have a total of three different scenes. The first being the top of the hill or field where the two foxes are sitting talking at the beginning of the scene. It also overlooks a human house at the bottom of the hill. The second scene is inside of the fox den and the third is a cutscene of an alleyway.
For now I am keeping the modelling and the lighting to a bare minimum and just trying to get the keyframes from my animatic into place within maya. I am finding the fox rig new and a little challenging because before this I have only used the eleven human rig, so the anatomy is very different. However after managing to finish this project I will be able to say that I have worked with a bipedal animal rig and have a range of 3D skills and experience.